October 12, 2009


This picture was taken in the first part of June. Garret's sister Kasey and brother Matt came to visit for a few days. We all went to watch Jordan play baseball on the BYU-I campus. Jaida and her cousin Aidan played the whole time. Thanks for being so sweet to her, Aidan.
Jaida got that guitar on all by herself. I watched the whole thing thinking she would ask for help, but she never did. She wouldn't take it off for quite a while. Daddy's little girl!
Swinging at our apartment complex.
Aidan brought his scooter from home and Jaida had to try it out. She was only 14 months at the time. She figured it out by just watching Aidan do it. Pretty cute!
Playing in the yard at my parent's home.
Elder Dayne Ivie
Feeding the geese at the green belt in Idaho Falls. Jaida loved it but kept her distance.

Taking advantage of the nice weather at the Cook's in Shelley.

Jaida's such a girl. If it has straps, it's a purse.
Easter Sunday!
Jaida's birthday on March 6th. I happened to turn 30 the day before. It kinda took the sting out of it to be able to celebrate Jaida's 1st.

Just posing. . . A rare smile caught on camera!

1 comment:

Heather Williams said...

wahoo!!! Nat, I'm so proud of you for posting SO many things, especially with how busy things have been for you. It's so fun to see you and your little family...so cute! Kamden is such a boy...he already looks so strong. Take care.
