KAMDEN GARRET COOK was born on Aug 28th at 2:45 in the afternoon. He weighed 7 lbs. 9 oz. and was 21 inches long. He is now 6 weeks old and weighs 12 lbs.
He was blessed on Sept. 27th. This is his cousin Gretchen. She is a month older and didn't like getting her picture taken. So cute!
Jaida loves giving Kamden kisses!
He looks a little bit like Daddy!
My blood pressure was high at my appointment on the 27th. They told me to go to the hospital to have the baby. The doctor was worried because i was having horrible headaches. We were admitted and they started me on PIT right away. I wanted to try to have a v-back since I had a c-section with Jaida. After 27 hours I was not progressing and decided to do another c-section. He was 3 weeks early and was in the NICU for a day. He was huge compared to the other tiny babies in there. He's doing very well now. He absolutely loves to eat!
This pic was taken right before we went into the hospital.